How to use product visuals for marketing and promote your product

As a business owner, you know that product visuals are essential for marketing and promoting your product. In fact, research has shown that humans process visual information 60,000 times faster than text! That's a lot of information to take in. When it comes to product visuals, there are a few things you can do to make sure your marketing strategy is successful. In this blog post, we will discuss a few of these methods that will help increase your marketing strategy success!

What exactly are product visuals?

Product visuals are any kind of visual representation of your product, including photos, videos, illustrations or infographics. These can be used in a variety of ways, including on your website, social media, ads, email marketing, and more.

The Many Benefits of 3D Rendering

Some of the benefits of product visualisation services are:

  • You can see what the final product will look like before it’s even been created.

  • Perfect Lighting Every Time

  • It’s a great way to show off prototypes or products that are still in development.

  • It can help you to save money on expensive photography and videography costs.

  • Product visuals are extremely versatile and can be used in a variety of ways, both online and offline.

  • They can help to increase conversions and boost sales.

So how can you use product visuals to market and promote your product?

Here are a few tips:

  • Include high-quality images of your product on your website

  • Use videos to show your product in action

  • Create infographics or illustrations to highlight key features

  • Write blog posts or create other content that showcases your product

By following these tips, you can start using product visuals to effectively market and promote your product. You’ll be able to connect with potential customers, increase brand awareness, and boost sales. So what are you waiting for? Start using product visuals in your marketing today!

Why use visuals in the first place?

Research has shown that humans are hardwired for visual information. In fact, when you consider that 65% of people are visual learners, 90% of information that comes to the brain is visual! This means that product visuals are an extremely powerful marketing tool that can help you to communicate your message quickly and effectively.

When used correctly, product visuals can help to increase and drive conversions. They are also a great way to show off your product, highlight key features, and explain how your product works.

If you’re not using product visuals in your marketing strategy, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to connect with your audience and promote your product effectively.

Now that we’ve talked about the many benefits of product visuals, let’s take a look at the different types of product visual formats that you can use in your marketing strategy.

Product Images / Photo's

Product photos are one of the most common types of product visuals. They are usually taken by professional photographers and can be used in a variety of ways.

However using hyper realistic 3D renders / images are a great way to show off your product in all its glory. They can help potential customers to see what your product looks like and get a feel for its size, shape, and color. 3D renders can also be used to highlight key features or show how your product works.

If you’re selling products online, product images are a must-have.

Product Videos / Animations

Product videos are another great way to show off your product. They can be used in a similar way to product photos, but they have the added benefit of being able to show your product in action, demonstrating how your product works.

Videos are incredibly useful for presenting common problems and then showing the solutions that your product can offer. While there are much cheaper types of visual content available, a great video serves as extra clout for your campaign by demonstrating that you’re prepared to go the extra mile for quality.

Product videos can be used on your website, social media, ads, and more.

Product Illustrations

Product illustrations are a type of visual that is becoming increasingly popular in marketing. They are usually created by hand or with the help of software, such as Photoshop.

Streamling Branding and Marketing

One of the most striking advantages of 3D rendering is its unique capacity to maintain marketing and branding consistency over time. For example, if you want to maintain your brand’s hallmark look and feel throughout all of your marketing materials, then it’s important to consistently use your brand’s precise color scheme

About Us

At Tony Conroy Designs we work with brands, both big and small, to bring products to life through visualisation. Our clients come to us with an idea and we work with them to turn that idea into a reality. We understand the importance of product visuals and we use the latest software and technology to create high-quality images that accurately represent our clients’ products.

If you’re looking for a product visualisation company that can help you to create stunning visuals for your product, get in touch with us today. We’d be more than happy to discuss your project and see how we can help.

Services we provide:

  • High-quality images in formats such as .png or .jpeg

  • Animations showcasing how the product is used

  • In-context renders showing the product being used in situ

Click here for more of Client examples or information on our visualisation services .


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